Terms and Conditions
Retail Order Shipping & Handling
Domestic Orders: $7.50 plus 10% of order total.
International Orders: $15.00 plus 20% of order total.
Refunds and Returns
You may return any unopened product within 30 days to: Pronatura Inc., 5420 Newport Drive #52, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 for a refund. Damaged and/or faulty merchandise can be returned for either a replacement or a credit.Distributors:
You can deduct monthly consumer returned products up to $75.00 from your payment to Pronatura. For any return above $75 per month, items must be returned to Pronatura, Inc. at 5420 Newport Drive #52, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 for a credit approval.
Privacy Policy
Pronatura Inc. collects personal information about you as part of ordering process. You may choose not to share this information with us, but that might result in an inability to use our services. We are committed to keeping your personal information private and secure. Pronatura Inc. does not share, trade or sell your personal information with any third party other than those required to fulfill your order (e.g. merchant bank for credit card charging; UPS for order delivery). In such cases we disclose only enough information to perform the necessary services, and the third parties are prohibited from using or revealing your personal information for other purposes.
Pronatura Inc. may use your email, or address and phone number to contact you about your order if there is an issue, and provide you information about special discounts, new products, etc.
Our privacy policy will remain posted here and it may change in the future. Any significant change will be announced on the homepage. By using this site, you agree to the terms of this policy.
Pronatura is pleased to offer it's customers product brochures and literature along with a free sample of Kombucha Capsules upon request.
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